Friday, March 18, 2005


This morning when I looked out the window there were about twenty or more robins in the lilac bush (looking as annoyed as robins can get--scary, that...). Annoyed at what, you say? How about the snow covering the ground? It was quite a sight, actually. We had several inches, and then most of it melted by noon. If that was the worst kick-back we're getting out of winter, it's not so bad. We didn't even manage slick roads out of it.

But, I digress. Today has REAL NEWS. Today is the day we have all been waiting for. Today is the day that I make an announcement. Ready? I finished first draft of my 2-year novel, False Perceptions. It came in at about 84K, which is my longest first draft to date. I'll be able to add 10-20K easily enough by setting scenes better (description is something I really gloss over in first draft; *I* can see it, why can't you?) and then there are those subplots that I need to search out and tie off. I can think of several right off the top.

Friday afternoon. Ah. It will be nice to think about something else for a while.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

Thanks, RuthAnne. The arm is feeling much better, but I still would like to know what I did to it in the first place.