Monday, March 14, 2005


Weekends are always so busy that I struggle to stay awake Mondays at work. I got plenty of sleep last night, too. There were a few customers in the morning, but the afternoon was fairly quiet.

I managed about 1500 words of *False Perceptions*. I'm in a confusing spot, because as I was writing, I realized another scene should come first, so I started on that one. So now I've got two partially done bits.

I had planned to do a crit this aft (I have two in the wings) but just couldn't deal with it. Too, too tired to make sense. So I poked and massaged the *Shann* outline some more, and I'm up to 59 scenes. I've even found some places to add conflict that don't require anyone getting captured and escaping yet again (Jean will be glad to know...) I'm about half way through the outline massage, and I know of a couple more places that are looking a little thin, so I'm hopeful to have a decent lengthed outline to start with. Getting closer...

Tomorrow is the second monthly Celebration of New Christian Fiction. If you had a look around last time, you might enjoy this one as well. I'll post the info in the morning, when I get it all. I think there are more bloggers participating this time than last.

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