Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Turning over a new leaf

Yeah right. It's been an entire week since I've blogged...again. I didn't even tell you all that I was going to be away for five days. Guess what? I was away for five days.

I had a great time visiting my daughter and son-in-law. Hubby was there for a couple of days as well but had to go back to work before I did. So we had our time of big city shopping and our time of visiting and movies and web-designing and all the fun stuff. Believe it or not my hubby is more game for the shopping than my daughter is! We each bought a new pair of hikers and I also got new cross-trainers...both were very necessary. Now I will have happy feet for a couple years again.

It was a nice change doing my early morning walk/run in the park near their house. It's big enough to have a pond that the city stocks with fish and a disk-golf course. There were fisherfolks and joggers and dog-walkers and cyclists and roller-bladers and no cars! So that was fun. I met back up with hubby on the way back home (where he works is about half way from my daughter's house to home) and we drove home together last night. He's gone back up for his two night shifts now.

In the past week we have had four more calves. Two were born on the tenth...happy and healthy. One on the eleventh was stillborn. Hubby wasn't home (of course...) so our neighbor came over and oversaw the maternity ward for the evening. The calf had to be pulled. And yesterday we had another live birth. So 17 births and 13 calves for the year. I've lost track of the male female ratio. It's written down at home, but...I'm not there.

I learned a lot of Photoshop and ImageReady tricks over the weekend that I'll be putting to good use with my daughter continuing to hold my hand. As soon as I have something worth showing off I'll post a link. Meanwhile it is morphing every which direction yet and many of the links don't work. Be patient. Time will come.

I've taken today to work on the web project with Maripat, but tomorrow I'm back at the writing and critting end of the job. No point in having a website if I never sell anything. Can't sell it if I don't finish it...

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