I'm finally getting my brain wrapped around revising Marks of Repentance. It helps that these chapters are amongst my favorites. You wouldn't believe how many *was* I've squashed, though. And *this*. And prepositional phrases. I think the things breed when I'm not looking.
Onward ho. One quarter done this pass!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Kitchen Update
I quite like the layout, so far. The fridge is still on the far side of the kitchen but will be moving closer at some point. There really isn't room in this tight space for it right in the cockpit. Yeah, that's how I feel: like a pilot in a cockpit. Everything is right at hand. The best test it's had so far was one day in early May when my two nieces helped me make dinner and hubby carved the ham...and there was room for everyone.
These cabinets are rustic alder with a slight stain and suit the farmhouse feel. Handles are wrought iron (or probably a reasonable facsimile of same!) with a subtle leaf detail. Arborite is called Madras slate. Yeah its greeny and coppery...my fave combo. Any other obvious stuff I've forgotten to mention?
Monday, May 28, 2007
Family stuff
Just an update for those who care: Steven is doing fabulously well, has gone back to school, and will be graduating high school in a few weeks. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes for him!
I saw my mom again this weekend (after two weeks) and she also is doing way better than anyone expected. The fogginess her brain experienced for the first few weeks after the stroke is behind her. As in, she still has a fog for that time period but can remember reasonably well from before that, as well as remembering things from this week. She's also regaining some use of her right side which is completely amazing. At this rate she will be going to rehab and from there (possibly) to assisted living rather than a nursing home bed. Wow. She was so happy to see me! But so sad about us closing off the apartment--it was garage sale weekend--now that she has a clearer understanding of what is going on. Still, her spirits seem good and she is interested in what is going on around her again. Once again, thanks for the prayers.
I saw my mom again this weekend (after two weeks) and she also is doing way better than anyone expected. The fogginess her brain experienced for the first few weeks after the stroke is behind her. As in, she still has a fog for that time period but can remember reasonably well from before that, as well as remembering things from this week. She's also regaining some use of her right side which is completely amazing. At this rate she will be going to rehab and from there (possibly) to assisted living rather than a nursing home bed. Wow. She was so happy to see me! But so sad about us closing off the apartment--it was garage sale weekend--now that she has a clearer understanding of what is going on. Still, her spirits seem good and she is interested in what is going on around her again. Once again, thanks for the prayers.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Book Tour - Snitch - Day 2
Or Day Three, by the math of people who started blogging on Wednesday about Snitch.
I finished reading this last night. Rene, you have a new fan.
I tried to find just a short snippet to post. I tried for a couple hours AFTER I'd read the book. I kept getting sucked back into the story. The really cool snippets were too long (like the whole novel?) but here's a little one. It's the introduction to the main character, Ron Yeager, on page 10.
Nan and Ron's relationship is a backbone to the entire book, but she certainly isn't the only feisty person in it. Ron has a lot of feist himself. The task force includes two experienced cops with minds of their own (well, one has a mind and the other borrows his partner's...), one cop looking for the easy way, and one eager but inexperienced cop. The fifth member is Ron's young pastor who is awed by Ron's dangerous job in undercover and begs to catch a glimpse. The glimpse becomes more as the naive star-struck man blunderingly and unwittingly makes first contact with the baddies and is required to stay through to the finish line.
A lot of it is funny, but it's a believable funny because the characters are so well drawn and diverse. One of my favorites is the woman who lives across the street from the undercover house, Ruth. Oh man, I can't tell you any more. Go get the book already. You know you want to.
I finished reading this last night. Rene, you have a new fan.
I tried to find just a short snippet to post. I tried for a couple hours AFTER I'd read the book. I kept getting sucked back into the story. The really cool snippets were too long (like the whole novel?) but here's a little one. It's the introduction to the main character, Ron Yeager, on page 10.
Ron Yeager opened his eyes at the sound of his wife's voice.
"Your coffee's ready," Nan said. She was smiling, but Ron knew it wasn't a happy smile. In the thirty years they had been married, Nan was never happy before ten in the morning.
He felt the weight of a coffee mug balanced on his chest. He rubbed his eyes with one hand, the other hand holding onto the mug, then pushed himself to a sitting position. Nan had come up with this morning ritual of putting the mug on his chest ten years into their marriage when she'd finally tired of spending thirty minutes each morning trying to wake him up. If he rolled over to try to go back to sleep, hot coffee would spill all over him. She hadn't done this in years, mostly because these days he kept a regular bedtime schedule.
After setting the mug on the bedside table, he watched Nan open the drapes. Squinting, he groaned and lay back down. "I thought we agreed to stop doing this."
"Doing what?"
"You know what."
"Serving your coffee to you in bed?"
Ron chuckled. Right, such innocence. After all these years, she was still feisty. "Yes, that."
"We did. But that was before you agreed to back on the streets."
Ron stretched. "I'm not going back on the streets. Your stubbornness is clogging your ears."
"You're two years from retirement. Why in the world would you want to go back on the streets?"
Ron sighed, rolled out of bed, and shuffled to his bathroom sink. "First of all, this isn't a big deal. There's a task force, and they want to talk to me this morning. That's all."
Nan and Ron's relationship is a backbone to the entire book, but she certainly isn't the only feisty person in it. Ron has a lot of feist himself. The task force includes two experienced cops with minds of their own (well, one has a mind and the other borrows his partner's...), one cop looking for the easy way, and one eager but inexperienced cop. The fifth member is Ron's young pastor who is awed by Ron's dangerous job in undercover and begs to catch a glimpse. The glimpse becomes more as the naive star-struck man blunderingly and unwittingly makes first contact with the baddies and is required to stay through to the finish line.
A lot of it is funny, but it's a believable funny because the characters are so well drawn and diverse. One of my favorites is the woman who lives across the street from the undercover house, Ruth. Oh man, I can't tell you any more. Go get the book already. You know you want to.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Book Tour -- Snitch
Sometimes the books for the book tours get switched around last minute. Just when I thought I had life under control (HA!) and had this week's book read and contemplated, I got the email to switch. Now you may have noticed that I'm not discussing books every week, so odds were good that this week's new book wasn't on my personal list. Wrong. It was, but because the original date for it was a couple weeks off and I had so much on my pile to do, I left the book with a friend.
Got it back in a hurry and started reading it last night. Got half way in, actually. I'd been hearing about Rene Gutteridge's books for awhile and was pleased to have this opportunity to read one of them. Unfortunately, this is book two of a series, but I don't think that's too much of a problem as it doesn't seem like a lot of backstory is required to get into this one.
Okay, the series is called The Occupational Hazards: Old School meets New School meets Homeschool. Book two is called Snitch and follows the rookie police career of Mack Hazard (female). It is quirky and funny in places, reminding me a bit of Chris Wells' Tribulation House I read a few weeks back. However, Gutteridge plays less on pop culture which I appreciate, being as I'm not very *in* and don't get a lot of Wells' jokes.
Anyway, enough of that. From the back cover:

Okay, the series is called The Occupational Hazards: Old School meets New School meets Homeschool. Book two is called Snitch and follows the rookie police career of Mack Hazard (female). It is quirky and funny in places, reminding me a bit of Chris Wells' Tribulation House I read a few weeks back. However, Gutteridge plays less on pop culture which I appreciate, being as I'm not very *in* and don't get a lot of Wells' jokes.

Anyway, enough of that. From the back cover:
Just shy of retirement and a well-earned pension, Las Vegas Police Department Sergeant Ron Yeager's definition of "active duty" involves shifting his bad leg into a more comfortable position. But when he's requested from his mind-numbing desk job to head an undercover auto theft task force, the former narcotics officer determines to prove he's still got the right stuff.
That is...until he meets his unlikely team of officers.
As Yeager soon finds out, not all the crazies are on the street. An undercover rookie, the audaciously honest Mackenzie "Mack" Hazard sends Yeager's blood pressure skyrocketing by wearing her faith like an ever-present badge. Then there's Jesse Lunden, a maverick undercover officer who refuses to learn anything from an old guy with a cane. Can this tangle of egos and eccentrics be trained into a lean, mean, crime-fighting machine...even while they are being drawn into something much bigger and more dangerous than anyone imagined?
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Website Tour - The Sword Review Day 3
I can't claim to be a website designer. I can only guess at the ins and outs of why certain layouts, colors, and styles are used for certain sites. I'm willing to bet that The Sword Review isn't aiming their design at a vision-impaired woman who is pushing 50. Sadly, most sites aren't!
I find light or white text on a dark background difficult to read. It's very rare that I'll go back to a blog that is white on black unless the content is absolutely outstanding. In order to read it at all, I need to magnify it (love this feature of Mozilla Firefox, by the way!) enough that the text gains some substance of its own. Some sites simply aren't worth the extra trouble, and occasionally the magnification doesn't work for whatever reason. My plea to web-page and blog designers is: just because you CAN do white on black doesn't mean it's a good idea. Some young people have poor vision, too. You can't count on the colors only keeping out *old* people.
Okay, so The Sword Review isn't white on black. It's beige on brown. It's hard to read AND drab. There's so much information on the opening page that I don't know where to look first, and there don't seem to be a lot of hints as to what they consider priority items for me to look at. The feel of the page--the mood, if you will--does little to demonstrate the unique atmosphere that fantasy and science fiction can generate: that spark of imagination that sucks us into another world, another time, another place. Add to that the fact that I discovered several typos on the main pages, and I felt the professionalism of the site could be improved.
Now I'm no web designer, as I mentioned above. I like to play with photos and colors on this blog, and I really like to play with colors and styles in my home and to assist clients doing the same. (In Real Life, I'm a flooring consultant with a diploma in interior decorating.) So I do know a bit about what works and doesn't, design-wise, though I don't have the tools or the specific design tricks that are part of website building.
But I know people who can't resist building mock-ups. If you're interested in seeing a detailed review of the the site's layout--with suggestions--check out Hanna's blog.
I find light or white text on a dark background difficult to read. It's very rare that I'll go back to a blog that is white on black unless the content is absolutely outstanding. In order to read it at all, I need to magnify it (love this feature of Mozilla Firefox, by the way!) enough that the text gains some substance of its own. Some sites simply aren't worth the extra trouble, and occasionally the magnification doesn't work for whatever reason. My plea to web-page and blog designers is: just because you CAN do white on black doesn't mean it's a good idea. Some young people have poor vision, too. You can't count on the colors only keeping out *old* people.
Okay, so The Sword Review isn't white on black. It's beige on brown. It's hard to read AND drab. There's so much information on the opening page that I don't know where to look first, and there don't seem to be a lot of hints as to what they consider priority items for me to look at. The feel of the page--the mood, if you will--does little to demonstrate the unique atmosphere that fantasy and science fiction can generate: that spark of imagination that sucks us into another world, another time, another place. Add to that the fact that I discovered several typos on the main pages, and I felt the professionalism of the site could be improved.
Now I'm no web designer, as I mentioned above. I like to play with photos and colors on this blog, and I really like to play with colors and styles in my home and to assist clients doing the same. (In Real Life, I'm a flooring consultant with a diploma in interior decorating.) So I do know a bit about what works and doesn't, design-wise, though I don't have the tools or the specific design tricks that are part of website building.
But I know people who can't resist building mock-ups. If you're interested in seeing a detailed review of the the site's layout--with suggestions--check out Hanna's blog.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Happy Birthday to me...I just found out that my manuscript has finaled in the contest I entered in April. It's still a long time until September when the winner is announced, but meanwhile my 25-page opening sequence is being evaluated, along with the entries of four other unpublished writers, by acquisitions editors in the market I would like to break into.
The complete list of finalists can be found here.
I'm kinda excited! :D
The complete list of finalists can be found here.
I'm kinda excited! :D
Website Tour -- The Sword Review Day 2
About The Sword Review:
The Sword Review states their goal: "We strive to provide quality fiction, poetry, valuable reviews, and meaningful exposition, all in a means that respects traditional values and Christian principles. The Sword Review actively seeks works from new and student authors and artists, but holds high standards of quality for all contributions."
Besides the stories, art, and poetry, there are various editorial columns. Glancing through the dates on the list, I assume that not every editorial contributor is equally active in providing material. One column is Writer's Cramp, which focuses on tips, ideas, and rants from a writer learning the ropes by L.S.King.
I especially enjoyed the column Random Ramblings by Pam L. Wallace. Her one piece entitled Reaching for Perfection reminded me of a conversation with some of my writing buddies not long ago when we discussed the part of our stories that is interpreted by the reader's personality and previous experiences. Not every tale will resonate the same with each reader--or with each editor.
Like many ezines that are available to the browsing public, The Sword Review accepts funds to support its existence. Its parent company, Double-Edged Publishing, Inc is chartered as a nonprofit corporation in Tennessee. Consider supporting this ezine if you've enjoyed reading it. There are donation links available. Are you a fan of another free ezine on the web? Consider supporting it financially. Most of these sites are run by volunteers who are paying their own way, trying to produce a quality product.
The Sword Review states their goal: "We strive to provide quality fiction, poetry, valuable reviews, and meaningful exposition, all in a means that respects traditional values and Christian principles. The Sword Review actively seeks works from new and student authors and artists, but holds high standards of quality for all contributions."
Besides the stories, art, and poetry, there are various editorial columns. Glancing through the dates on the list, I assume that not every editorial contributor is equally active in providing material. One column is Writer's Cramp, which focuses on tips, ideas, and rants from a writer learning the ropes by L.S.King.
I especially enjoyed the column Random Ramblings by Pam L. Wallace. Her one piece entitled Reaching for Perfection reminded me of a conversation with some of my writing buddies not long ago when we discussed the part of our stories that is interpreted by the reader's personality and previous experiences. Not every tale will resonate the same with each reader--or with each editor.
Like many ezines that are available to the browsing public, The Sword Review accepts funds to support its existence. Its parent company, Double-Edged Publishing, Inc is chartered as a nonprofit corporation in Tennessee. Consider supporting this ezine if you've enjoyed reading it. There are donation links available. Are you a fan of another free ezine on the web? Consider supporting it financially. Most of these sites are run by volunteers who are paying their own way, trying to produce a quality product.
Monday, May 21, 2007
One Word Meme
I found this one word meme over at Jean's blog and because it is cold out and raining a bit too much to finish planting out my bedding plants--and I'm bored--I thought I'd play along. Join in if you'd like, and leave a comment so we can come see. (Tina already played, I see!)
1. Where is your cell phone?
2. Relationship?
3. Your hair?
4. Work?
5. Your sister?
6. Your favorite thing?
7. Your dream last night?
8. Your favorite drink?
9. Your dream car?
10. The room you’re in?
11. Your shoes?
12. Your fears?
13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend?
15. What you’re not good at?
16. Muffin?
17. One of your wish list items?
18. Where you grew up?
19. The last thing you did?
20. What are you wearing?
21. What aren’t you wearing?
22. Your pet
23. Your computer?
24. Your life?
25. Your mood?
26. Missing?
27. What are you thinking about right now?
questions :P
28. Your car?
29. Your kitchen?
30. Your summer?
31. Your favorite color?
32. When is the last time you laughed?
33. Last time you cried?
34. School?
35. Love
1. Where is your cell phone?
2. Relationship?
3. Your hair?
4. Work?
5. Your sister?
6. Your favorite thing?
7. Your dream last night?
8. Your favorite drink?
9. Your dream car?
10. The room you’re in?
11. Your shoes?
12. Your fears?
13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend?
15. What you’re not good at?
16. Muffin?
17. One of your wish list items?
18. Where you grew up?
19. The last thing you did?
20. What are you wearing?
21. What aren’t you wearing?
22. Your pet
23. Your computer?
24. Your life?
25. Your mood?
26. Missing?
27. What are you thinking about right now?
questions :P
28. Your car?
29. Your kitchen?
30. Your summer?
31. Your favorite color?
32. When is the last time you laughed?
33. Last time you cried?
34. School?
35. Love
Website Tour -- The Sword Review
Those who have hung out with me for awhile may recall that I'm not generally fond of either poetry or short stories. I won't even try to defend my lack of enjoyment in poetry, but I know why I don't read many shorts. My reading preferences run to fantasy and science fiction, and it's hard to fit world-building into a short story without it being overwhelming. I don't like to guess too much how stuff fits together; though I'm up for the ride during the tale, I'd like a clear picture by the end. If I enjoy the short story, I nearly always want a longer, more leisurely peek into that world. And if I don't enjoy the short, then even the amount of time I've already put in seems wasted!
So when this month's blog tour target was announced, I was less than thrilled. I do see that an ezine devoted to speculative fiction from a Christian perspective has a place, but I don't see it as a place that I expect to hang out very often. Still, I know that not everyone shares my taste, so with that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to an ezine The Sword Review that is designed to fit that niche. For the purposes of this blog post I read one story: A Wine, Red Silence by George L. Duncan. The title threw me for a loop straight off. What is the comma doing in there? Are there two items? Wine AND red silence? Or is the word wine a descriptor of the adjective red? Should it not then be a hyphen? And what is a wine-red silence? I decided to read the story and set aside my misgivings about the title's punctuation.
There are quite a few characters in this story, but the main character is easy to keep track of being as the tale is told in first person. Jerico (known as Jerry) is a private investigator in a future Florida. He has been hired to find out who killed a biographer...and why. It explores the idea of morals and the conflict that comes when they collide. It is a fairly well-written story, though I didn't find it riveting. There were a few typos but nothing too horrendous. I never did quite figure out what the title had to do with the story, though.
If I have time, I'll have a look at another story tomorrow.
Maybe some of the other folks on the blog tour list enjoy short stories more than I do! If you'd like a second (or tenth) opinion, check around through some of these links: Jim Black, Amy Browning, Jackie Castle, Karri Compton, Frank Creed, CSFF Blog Tour, Gene Curtis, D. G. D. Davidson, Chris Deanne, April Erwin, Kameron M. Franklin, Linda Gilmore, Beth Goddard, Marcus Goodyear, Andrea Graham, Jill Hart, Katie Hart, Sherrie Hibbs, Heather R. Hunt, Becca Johnson, Jason Joyner, Kait, Karen, Dawn King, Tina Kulesa, Lost Genre Guild, Kevin Lucia and The Bookshelf Reviews 2.0 - The Compendium, Terri Main, Rachel Marks, Rebecca LuElla Miller, Eve Nielsen, John W. Otte, John Ottinger, Robin Parrish , Cheryl Russel, Hanna Sandvig, Chawna Schroeder, Mirtika Schultz, Steve Trower, Speculative Faith, Daniel I. Weaver, Russell Griffith, Jason Waguespac, Holly, Brandon Barr
So when this month's blog tour target was announced, I was less than thrilled. I do see that an ezine devoted to speculative fiction from a Christian perspective has a place, but I don't see it as a place that I expect to hang out very often. Still, I know that not everyone shares my taste, so with that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to an ezine The Sword Review that is designed to fit that niche. For the purposes of this blog post I read one story: A Wine, Red Silence by George L. Duncan. The title threw me for a loop straight off. What is the comma doing in there? Are there two items? Wine AND red silence? Or is the word wine a descriptor of the adjective red? Should it not then be a hyphen? And what is a wine-red silence? I decided to read the story and set aside my misgivings about the title's punctuation.
There are quite a few characters in this story, but the main character is easy to keep track of being as the tale is told in first person. Jerico (known as Jerry) is a private investigator in a future Florida. He has been hired to find out who killed a biographer...and why. It explores the idea of morals and the conflict that comes when they collide. It is a fairly well-written story, though I didn't find it riveting. There were a few typos but nothing too horrendous. I never did quite figure out what the title had to do with the story, though.
If I have time, I'll have a look at another story tomorrow.
Maybe some of the other folks on the blog tour list enjoy short stories more than I do! If you'd like a second (or tenth) opinion, check around through some of these links: Jim Black, Amy Browning, Jackie Castle, Karri Compton, Frank Creed, CSFF Blog Tour, Gene Curtis, D. G. D. Davidson, Chris Deanne, April Erwin, Kameron M. Franklin, Linda Gilmore, Beth Goddard, Marcus Goodyear, Andrea Graham, Jill Hart, Katie Hart, Sherrie Hibbs, Heather R. Hunt, Becca Johnson, Jason Joyner, Kait, Karen, Dawn King, Tina Kulesa, Lost Genre Guild, Kevin Lucia and The Bookshelf Reviews 2.0 - The Compendium, Terri Main, Rachel Marks, Rebecca LuElla Miller, Eve Nielsen, John W. Otte, John Ottinger, Robin Parrish , Cheryl Russel, Hanna Sandvig, Chawna Schroeder, Mirtika Schultz, Steve Trower, Speculative Faith, Daniel I. Weaver, Russell Griffith, Jason Waguespac, Holly, Brandon Barr
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
a spark
Once upon a time a long time ago now, my friend Random Walk Writer was copyediting a travel guide to Ireland and passed along some links from it that amused her about the Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival. Something began playing at the back of my mind, but only a few random ideas emerged, then refused to play nicely together. Then they went away and wouldn't play at all. Which was okay.
Today, however, I was pestering Maripat about her character Mia. I teased her that I could see Mia running past in slow motion. Then I said, 'wait, that isn't Mia.' She wondered if it was Taifa (from Marks), but it definitely didn't look like her. Or anyone else currently on my roster of stories.
Her hair was long and blond and sort of curly and quite messy, like she'd been running for awhile. In the few seconds I saw her, she glanced back over her shoulder and stumbled. Her skirt was tiered and flowing, and I think she had on a peasant-style blouse with the top tie undone. The only color in the image was green. Kind of a green misty background (out of focus trees?), and greenish clothes, but I'm wondering if it was more a colored filter than actual color.
I began to wonder if she was the girl from Matchmaker, whose name I suddenly realized was Kaesa. And now I'm back to wandering the web looking for cool sites on matchmaking traditions. And maybe I should watch Fiddler on the Roof.
Here's the Wikipedia link about Lisdoonvarna. Here is a little info about the history. There's apparently a movie about this tradition: Lisdoonvarna: Lourdes of Love. Anyone seen it?
And hey, the official matchmaker has his very own website!
I do hope Kaesa wants to make some plans now. I need a light at the end of the tunnel. Something jitteringly ready to write when this round of Marks is done.
Today, however, I was pestering Maripat about her character Mia. I teased her that I could see Mia running past in slow motion. Then I said, 'wait, that isn't Mia.' She wondered if it was Taifa (from Marks), but it definitely didn't look like her. Or anyone else currently on my roster of stories.
Her hair was long and blond and sort of curly and quite messy, like she'd been running for awhile. In the few seconds I saw her, she glanced back over her shoulder and stumbled. Her skirt was tiered and flowing, and I think she had on a peasant-style blouse with the top tie undone. The only color in the image was green. Kind of a green misty background (out of focus trees?), and greenish clothes, but I'm wondering if it was more a colored filter than actual color.
I began to wonder if she was the girl from Matchmaker, whose name I suddenly realized was Kaesa. And now I'm back to wandering the web looking for cool sites on matchmaking traditions. And maybe I should watch Fiddler on the Roof.
Here's the Wikipedia link about Lisdoonvarna. Here is a little info about the history. There's apparently a movie about this tradition: Lisdoonvarna: Lourdes of Love. Anyone seen it?
And hey, the official matchmaker has his very own website!
I do hope Kaesa wants to make some plans now. I need a light at the end of the tunnel. Something jitteringly ready to write when this round of Marks is done.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Back to writing
Well, I've been slogging away at my flooring job in between all the family medical stuff, but my brain simply froze up when considering doing any work on Marks of Repentance. As you may recall, I started working on third round revisions in January in anticipation of entering the first 25 pages in a contest. While I love the story, the past few months have really tested my patience with the whole process. I did enter the contest at the end of March (just as the crisis season began) and hadn't opened the files since.
Yesterday I tried to figure out where I'd left off. I'd rewritten the opening chapters so many times it was hard to figure out. There were far too many files in the folder, because instead of deleting a previous version, I'd just open a clean document and start over again with my newest idea of how to introduce the darn thing. So the last modified dates were a big help in tracking myself, but it wasn't the only issue. Some versions had made it further into the novel than others, and had later parts I wanted to keep even though I liked a newer opening better.
Yes, that took awhile. I finally made a new sub-folder to store all the rejects in, at least until I'm certain I gleaned all the right bits. Now there is only one version stored in the main sub-folder, so I shouldn't have to go through all that again.
Today I actually made progress. One scene. Probably no more than a thousand words, mostly copy-pasted. But still, it IS progress. The next scene needs more than a minor buffing, though. It needs dynamite. Thankfully its fairly short so I should be able to rewrite it from scratch tomorrow. Today seems to have had enough progress already!
Yesterday I tried to figure out where I'd left off. I'd rewritten the opening chapters so many times it was hard to figure out. There were far too many files in the folder, because instead of deleting a previous version, I'd just open a clean document and start over again with my newest idea of how to introduce the darn thing. So the last modified dates were a big help in tracking myself, but it wasn't the only issue. Some versions had made it further into the novel than others, and had later parts I wanted to keep even though I liked a newer opening better.
Yes, that took awhile. I finally made a new sub-folder to store all the rejects in, at least until I'm certain I gleaned all the right bits. Now there is only one version stored in the main sub-folder, so I shouldn't have to go through all that again.
Today I actually made progress. One scene. Probably no more than a thousand words, mostly copy-pasted. But still, it IS progress. The next scene needs more than a minor buffing, though. It needs dynamite. Thankfully its fairly short so I should be able to rewrite it from scratch tomorrow. Today seems to have had enough progress already!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
It's Mother's Day
It's going to be a rather odd day for me this year, three weeks after my mom's stroke. I spent some time with her on Friday and on Saturday, but today I'm at home. One of the things that makes me sad is that she won't notice I'm not there. For once in my mom's life, she isn't worrying about anything but is living in the moment. That's not all bad, I guess. Her future is taken care of (she's a follower of Jesus and knows she will spend eternity with him), her past cannot be changed. All that's left is the present. And that is where she lives, her face usually clear of worry lines, though still a little sad.
Hanna was home for Friday and Saturday and is currently on the bus headed back to her home. Her daddy is at work. I think it will be a long day. If the sky clears later, I may do some yard work after church. My yard has been woefully neglected this spring, as I've done absolutely nothing outside. This is the first day I've been off work and at home in weeks.
There are very few photos of just my mom and me from any point in my life, but here's one I like from my first Christmas. I'm the youngest of five girls and there are way more photos of my sisters and I than any of us with Mom! She was never overly photogenic so I'm certain she stayed away from the camera on purpose.
My parents raised me in a solid home where we always knew we were loved, even if not always understood! She was a good mom for a young girl, always willing to encourage me in homework, read to me, and play games with me. She had a hard time dealing with adolescents, though. I think she hoped that if she ignored my hormones and my crushes, they would just go away. Ha! As a result, and also because I spent my high school years in boarding school, my mom and I drifted apart.
Even though I wasn't a BAD teenager, I knew she didn't really approve of everything I did. She never asked a lot of questions, and I didn't volunteer information. It took me a lot of years to understand that this was a basic character difference between us. She didn't want to pry, and believed that if there was something important I wanted to tell her, I would do so. Unfortunately, that didn't happen because I thought if she was interested, she'd ask. That led to a lack of communication that lasted for a long time.
This second photo was taken four years ago, at my daughter's wedding. It's the last time Mom came to our home, actually. Our adult relationship still had a lot of rocky bits in it because I wasn't the daughter that would phone her every day. My life is too scattered to try to commit to that kind of structure, and I'm naturally rebellious besides. In recent years when her only social life was on the phone, I know she would have liked me to call much oftener than I did. I can't guilt myself too much over that, even now when I know that I will never talk to her on the phone again. I tried to be the best daughter I could be...and still be me.
It's hard visiting Mom now. There is usually a flash of recognition when I go in her hospital room. I can help her with her meals when I'm there. I know how to fix the coffee that comes on her meal tray. I know which foods there is no point in offering her. I know that her favorite part of every meal is dessert, giving a whole new angle on the old saying, 'Life is uncertain; eat dessert first.' I can pray with her and read to her, and when she had a private room for the first couple weeks, I'd sometimes sing for her. (If you knew how well I could carry a tune, you'd be amazed I was brave enough even in a private room, but I sing better than Mom and I know many of her old favorites!)
Beyond those things, it's pretty quiet at her bedside. She can't formulate sentences anymore and usually doesn't bother trying. She sleeps a lot. It's not likely that she is long for this world, and I have mixed feelings about that. I know that her job here is done and that she longs to go Home. It's still hard to let go.
She's my mommy, and she always will be.
Hanna was home for Friday and Saturday and is currently on the bus headed back to her home. Her daddy is at work. I think it will be a long day. If the sky clears later, I may do some yard work after church. My yard has been woefully neglected this spring, as I've done absolutely nothing outside. This is the first day I've been off work and at home in weeks.

My parents raised me in a solid home where we always knew we were loved, even if not always understood! She was a good mom for a young girl, always willing to encourage me in homework, read to me, and play games with me. She had a hard time dealing with adolescents, though. I think she hoped that if she ignored my hormones and my crushes, they would just go away. Ha! As a result, and also because I spent my high school years in boarding school, my mom and I drifted apart.
Even though I wasn't a BAD teenager, I knew she didn't really approve of everything I did. She never asked a lot of questions, and I didn't volunteer information. It took me a lot of years to understand that this was a basic character difference between us. She didn't want to pry, and believed that if there was something important I wanted to tell her, I would do so. Unfortunately, that didn't happen because I thought if she was interested, she'd ask. That led to a lack of communication that lasted for a long time.

It's hard visiting Mom now. There is usually a flash of recognition when I go in her hospital room. I can help her with her meals when I'm there. I know how to fix the coffee that comes on her meal tray. I know which foods there is no point in offering her. I know that her favorite part of every meal is dessert, giving a whole new angle on the old saying, 'Life is uncertain; eat dessert first.' I can pray with her and read to her, and when she had a private room for the first couple weeks, I'd sometimes sing for her. (If you knew how well I could carry a tune, you'd be amazed I was brave enough even in a private room, but I sing better than Mom and I know many of her old favorites!)
Beyond those things, it's pretty quiet at her bedside. She can't formulate sentences anymore and usually doesn't bother trying. She sleeps a lot. It's not likely that she is long for this world, and I have mixed feelings about that. I know that her job here is done and that she longs to go Home. It's still hard to let go.
She's my mommy, and she always will be.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Okay, REALLY done now.
I just *thought* I was done upgrading the other day. **shakes head** But I hadn't done THIS blog. Silly me. Anyway, here is today's version. I kinda like it. I might keep it for awhile. No, I have no definition for *awhile*. :P
The instructions for the calendar widget I found here. They actually work! **boggles** It's so easy even YOU can do it. Trust me on that.
It took me longer to figure out how to get the CFBA blog roll on the side bar. Add new page element, html/ java script. Yeah, sure, I can do that.
Now to go widget hunting for more cool stuff. Any ideas? :D
Back with more: If you have a Flickr account, click on my Flickr widget and the directions for creating your own are right there.
And I bet Hanna would like the Label Cloud Widget! But I don't think I want one. Must contemplate.
Oh look: a weather widget!
The instructions for the calendar widget I found here. They actually work! **boggles** It's so easy even YOU can do it. Trust me on that.
It took me longer to figure out how to get the CFBA blog roll on the side bar. Add new page element, html/ java script. Yeah, sure, I can do that.
Now to go widget hunting for more cool stuff. Any ideas? :D
Back with more: If you have a Flickr account, click on my Flickr widget and the directions for creating your own are right there.
And I bet Hanna would like the Label Cloud Widget! But I don't think I want one. Must contemplate.
Oh look: a weather widget!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
8 Random Facts about me
Being as I have nothing specific to blog about--meaning I'm not accomplishing anything writing-wise and my mom's health is stable/sliding slightly--I thought I'd jump on the current meme wagon even though I haven't officially been tagged. I first saw this meme at Rebecca Miller's blog and have also seen reports by: Mirtika Schultz, Karen Hancock, Sharon Hinck, and probably others I just can't remember at the moment. Anyway, without further ado, here are the rules:
My odd facts?
1. My mother didn't teach me how to cook, so it's a good thing my sister taught me how to read.
2. I've been to at least six developed hot springs: Ainsworth, Nakusp, Harrison, Canyon, Fairmont, Radium and three undeveloped ones.
3. Besides hot springs, my area of BC is common for ferries. There are five free ferries that I've been on quite often, one of which is the longest free ferry ride in Canada (about 35 minutes).
4. I attended boarding school for grades 9-12.
5. As the youngest of five girls, I grew up mostly an only child due to age differences.
6. (This is harder than it looks! Most of you know quite a bit about my current life, so I need to delve deeper...) Okay, here goes: I met my husband when we were both in tenth grade.
7. Two of my closest friends are my daughter and my daughter-in-law.
8. In the 27 years that I've been married, we've moved 14 times. We've been in our current one for 7. And before that we'd managed 4.5 years in the same place three times. What does that tell you about the rest of those years? :P
Whew. That's 8. Now I'm curious about YOU and your random, obscure facts! I'd like to tag: Hanna, Jen, Karen, Tina, EJ, Jean, Maripat, and Debbie. (And I'm off the hook blogging for a few days again :P)
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
My odd facts?
1. My mother didn't teach me how to cook, so it's a good thing my sister taught me how to read.
2. I've been to at least six developed hot springs: Ainsworth, Nakusp, Harrison, Canyon, Fairmont, Radium and three undeveloped ones.
3. Besides hot springs, my area of BC is common for ferries. There are five free ferries that I've been on quite often, one of which is the longest free ferry ride in Canada (about 35 minutes).
4. I attended boarding school for grades 9-12.
5. As the youngest of five girls, I grew up mostly an only child due to age differences.
6. (This is harder than it looks! Most of you know quite a bit about my current life, so I need to delve deeper...) Okay, here goes: I met my husband when we were both in tenth grade.
7. Two of my closest friends are my daughter and my daughter-in-law.
8. In the 27 years that I've been married, we've moved 14 times. We've been in our current one for 7. And before that we'd managed 4.5 years in the same place three times. What does that tell you about the rest of those years? :P
Whew. That's 8. Now I'm curious about YOU and your random, obscure facts! I'd like to tag: Hanna, Jen, Karen, Tina, EJ, Jean, Maripat, and Debbie. (And I'm off the hook blogging for a few days again :P)
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Blogger Update
While I switched to New Blogger a few months ago, I couldn't quite see how to keep my photo headers current in the new format. So I'd only half switched over, I guess. Yesterday I spent awhile mucking around with the layouts and while I'm still not thrilled with all the options, I did figure out the photo thing so I completed the switch.
Yes, I know the daisy is blurry. I have to admit I like the artistic blurriness of it! Should be a bit easier to update things now, though. Maybe I'll have a layout for every month of the year! (I love redecorating...)
Yes, I know the daisy is blurry. I have to admit I like the artistic blurriness of it! Should be a bit easier to update things now, though. Maybe I'll have a layout for every month of the year! (I love redecorating...)
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Book Tour - Tribulation House

What I discovered was a whole new genre...and one I wasn't sure I was fond of. I posted my mixed feelings about Chris' first book here. When his second novel came out, the premise didn't grab me and I passed on receiving a copy. However, when I read the hook for his third book, Tribulation House, I decided to give Chris Well another try. And I'm very glad I did.

While there is a lot of slap-stick style comedy and enough drama to become melodrama, the plot moves along with logical cause and effect. And in between, while you are thinking How could anyone be that stupid? you are catching glimpses of deeper nuggets of truth. Recommended.
Mark Hogan has it all. The job. The family. A position on the board at church. All he’s missing is a boat. Not just any boat—a 2008 Bayliner 192.
When Reverend Daniel Glory announces that the Rapture is taking place on October 17 at 5:51am, Hogan realizes his boat–buying days are numbered. So he does what any man in his situation would do—he borrows a load of money from the mob.
Not that there’s any risk involved: After all, when the Rapture comes, Hogan will be long gone. The mob will never find him.
But when Jesus fails to come back on schedule, Mark Hogan finds the mob is in no mood to discuss the finer points of end–times theology...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Steven's home!
He is home at last, sleeping in his own bed. He still needs his antibiotics by IV three times a day, but they've got that worked out. The first thing he wanted to do? Take off his footwear and walk barefoot in the grass!
Looks like finishing his grade twelve won't be a problem. He'll be doing some coursework at home for the provincially examinable courses. He has enough credits to graduate. It's a good thing he's been an honors student! Helps a lot just now.
Thank God he's home.
Looks like finishing his grade twelve won't be a problem. He'll be doing some coursework at home for the provincially examinable courses. He has enough credits to graduate. It's a good thing he's been an honors student! Helps a lot just now.
Thank God he's home.
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