Also in Jeff's visions is a small press (print-on-demand) dedicated to Christian speculative publishing. I mentioned yesterday a post at Gene Curtis' blog. POD presses have gotten a bit of a bad name, but I, like Gene, think this move may not be a bad one. Gene says what is needed are three things: seed money, great talent, and a sound business model that meets the need of this specific niche. In Jeff's writing tips he says that about 97% of CBA readers are: "White, conservative, evangelical, American women of child-raising to empty nest years." So I'm a white, kind-of-conservative, evangelical Canadian woman of recent empty nest years. Close to demographic, but not right on. What makes me love fantasy instead of more *normal* women's fiction? (I do love some, though: check back on Tuesday when I'll be talking to Sharon Hinck about her second Becky Miller novel...) I have no idea why I'm wired like I am. I just know I like it, and apparently I'm not in the majority. What was the purpose of this paragraph again? Oh yeah. To say that I'm in a niche market and that perhaps a non-standard way of getting books to me (or my books, God willing, to other people) will work well in this scenario.
Last major point of the day. I stopped by my daughter's blog.
If you haven't checked out Hanna's Life is Cool, please do. She has a cry from the heart to find a community of Christian artists who love fantasy and science fiction. Hanna has actively begun targeting publishers in search of freelance art projects and so is constantly working on her portfolio. Shortly after Christmas she was looking for inspiration for a new art project and telling me how much easier it would be if she had an assignment. I said, "Would you like to do some art for my novel that I'm currently revising?" And she said yes. Below is the beginnings of this *book cover* and I am absolutely in awe of my daughter's talent. This digital painting is Taifa from Marks of Repentance.

Wow, that's beautiful. Hanna is very talented. At Boskone last weekend, I saw a lot of worse art from artists who have a lot higher profile.
That's an interesting point about POD and niche markets. I'm a white, not-quite-empty-nest, liberal Christian woman who's fond of literary stuff and SF/F, and so far as I've been able to determine, there is no niche at all for me :D
So some are empty nesters and some are empty nichers? Most interesting!
Another wonderful post, Valerie. Thank you.
I imagine you've seen my announcement that I'll be launching a collaborative fiction project at on March 1.
What you may not have seen (because I haven't said it much) is that I'm using a forums/message board system for the collaborative project--and I have one subforum set up just for folks to come in and chat about anything unrelated to the project. So, whether you want to help us write the story or not, there will be a place to hang out and gather.
Hope to see you--and your daughter and your readers--there.
Wow! That's a fantastic picture! Hanna is very, very talented. Hopefully she'll end up on Jeff's site soon. :)
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