We saw one gray whale fairly soon after leaving the Tofino harbor, and a while later we saw two more together. I found it hard to take pictures with my little digital camera as you never know what second will be the perfect shot--or even what direction to be pointing at to capture it! The camera batteries don't hold power forever trying to keep it on *ready* either.

This grey whale was close enough and cooperated well enough that I could get several shots. These two are the best.

A bit later we came upon two humpback whales bilge feeding, but I wasn't able to get photos worth sharing. I have a great photo of the back of the guy in front of me, though! I have serious camera envy. He had a digital SLR with like a fifteen inch telephoto and obviously no issues with camera batteries. He could take ten photos to one of mine for speed.
There's our little vacation in a nut shell. Hope you enjoyed the glimpses!
ooo! oooo! ooo! WHALES!
(Gorgeous photos -- sure looks like you had fun!)
Wow. I went whale watching in middle school in the Atlantic Ocean. We didn't see any whales, but I think I was the only one that didn't throw up all over the place. I'm jealous you actually were able to see some whales. What a fun vacation.
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